
Some stuff I've worked on

  • This website

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    Status: Completed

    This website! Stand in for my overall online presence. Made it pretty quickly in your usual TypeScript React with Tailwind for styling.

  • MyHexad

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    Status: Ongoing

    Part of the research project below, basically survey website for research participants to answer a questionnaire and find out their HEXAD gamification type. Done in React, with a Node and MongoDB backend. Collaborated with other researchers conducting similar studies who wanted similar data.

  • FishBowl

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    Status: Completed

    A native desktop social media application for fish enthusiasts in C++ using Qt, using SQlite for data storage. Users could communicate, form subcommunities, create profiles for themselves and their fish. Semester long group project, I worked with 2 other people. My first time really collaborating with other developers and dealing with hard product deadlines, so very educational. Learned a lot about how to justify and explain architectural decisions to team members, how to balance short and long term considerations, as well was more technical stuff like github collaboration workflows. Worked full-stack, but mostly backend and database.

  • AI_Gamification_Python

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    Status: Ongoing

    A research project about using machine learning to personalize gamification in educational applications to teach programming, specifically Python. Part of my work as research assistant under Professor Christian Lopez. Did web-scraping for app reviews using python, analysis on various data with your usual numpy/pandas, as well natural language processing (NLP) techniques such as sentiment analysis to identify gamification features and their effects. Also did web development on the website above and development on the actual educational application being tested itself using PyQt. Collaborated with a lot of other researchers on the project, but tasks were mostly delegated from my supervisor.

  • Class Scheduler

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    Status: Completed

    A class scheduler for my high school's administration. The school stopped using it when the IT guy that maintained it left a year after I graduated, so I don't actually have the code base anymore. Basically it would take in hard requirements like class requirements and teacher availability as well as some soft requirements like teacher preferences, and generate the schedules for all 4 classes, as this was previously done manually by school administrators. This was my first ever real code project, done entirely in Java (my first ever coding language) with the UI created using Swing. The surprising amount of enjoyment and motivation I got from this project was actually what made go into CS for college in the first place.