About Me

  • Junior Computer Science student at Lafayette College (Easton, PA; USA)
  • Aspiring software engineer
  • Other than coding, I also like reading, cooking and video games
  • I also work out, mostly to stay sane
  • Non-CS academic interests include physics and policymaking
  • I tried to publish a novel in 8th grade
  • I used to know how to play guitar

You may want my Resume, LinkedIn or GitHub.
I don't really know what else you want to know so here are some assorted favorites:

  • Food: Those cheesy seafood casseroles you get at cheap chinese buffets
  • Sports Team: Chelsea FC
  • Book: The Martian by Andy Weir, or Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie
  • HTTP Response: 410
  • Movie: Interstellar